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At RESTED our business is built on providing beds and mattresses that optimise sleep. Regrettably, there are far too many people who have neither a bed nor shelter available to them. In 2024, RESTED have chosen to raise money for Glassdoor, who help the homeless in a variety of ways to find longterm pathways off the streets. In addition to their caseworker services, during the coldest months of the year when the weather is at its cruellest, Glassdoor run a Winter Shelter Programme. Accepting anyone in need, regardless of status or background, providing them a safe and warm place to sleep for the night. With our help and yours, our fundraising will directly contribute to their 2024 shelter programme. Every donation is an opportunity to provide more beds, more food, and more nights off the street for those in need.
As part of this direct appeal, the Directors of RESTED, (Adam & Toby Walzer) are undertaking some truly challenging endurance walking events in 2024. In June, Adam & Toby successfully completed the 100km Jurassic Coast 'Ultra'. A build up event to attempting the famous 200km '4 Daagse' Walk that takes place in July in Nijmegen, Holland.
Thank you in advance for any support you can provide.

We hope you can support us in our endeavours, and more importantly, to assist Glassdoor in theirs! Toby Walzer