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Our waiting list is closed for the season.

Please note that we can only accept referrals from approved referrers. If you are not an approved referrer, the person you are trying to refer must attend one of our partner daytime services to speak to a caseworker in order to be registered.

Our hostels are closing on the 2nd of June.

You can download this document which contains our hostel referrer instructions. Please do not share the document or this webpage link with others outside your organisation as this page is confidential for approved referrers only.

Glass Door Winter Hostels 2020-21 

For the coldest months of the winterGlass Door is providing Covid-safe single-occupancy rooms in two hostels in Westminster.  

Glass Door staff will be on-site around the clock in each hostel, meals will be provided and guests will also have access to and increased contact with our caseworkers.  


As a part of Glass Door's ethos, our services are still open-access to everyone who needs it, our guests do not require a connection to the local authority or recourse to public funds.

Due to COVID-19 and the changes within our services, Glass Door will only be able to accept people with low support needs in the hostels, in order to ensure that our service is appropriate to the guests. 

Our hostels are suitable for people experiencing homelessness who have low support needs. Providing a safe place to sleep for the widest possible group of people, especially those who may fall through the cracks in accessing other services, is key to our ethos. Individuals do not need to have recourse to public funds, have been verified as rough sleepers, have a level of spoken English or have a local connection to any particular area in order to access our hostels.
If you are working with a large volume of potential guests, when selecting which individuals to refer into our hostel, please consider which individuals are going to benefit most from a low support needs hostel model which has a dedicated Glass Door caseworker on site.

Please be aware that we cannot admit anyone into the service who has high support needs. For safety reasons, you may not refer an individual into our hostel service if any of the following apply:

  • A physical impairment or condition that means they would be unable to evacuate a building
    independently via stairs in the event of an emergency or would be unable to wash
    themselves independently in a bath/shower without adaptations
  • Current, untreated florid psychosis
  • Recent (within one year) history of violence or damage to property linked to a psychotic
    episode or other mental health issues
  • Current heroin, crack or spice use without any contact with drug treatment services
  • Current regular heavy alcohol use that has any indication of negative effects on behaviour
    (for example, becomes aggressive or incapable of taking care of self)
  • Recent (within one year) perpetrator of physical violence
  • Recent (within one year) physical assault on another
  • Repeated incidents of physical violence, threats towards staff or aggressive behaviour
  • Record that poses an evidenced, ongoing risk to a group we have in our services (for
    example, women), such as history of sexual assault, persistent harassment or coercive
  • History of attempting or perpetrating labour exploitation (for example, forcing others to
    work, beg or steal for them)
  • Any history of arson or fire-setting
  • Currently banned from Glass Door services

Referring a guest

Our hostels are closing on the 2nd of June, no new referrals can be made for our service.