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We've put together some images that are optimised for sharing on your social channels!

To save these images, just click 'DOWNLOAD' and then when the image appears in the following screen (Google Drive), click on the download button in the top-right corner of the page You will find the high-resolution version of the jpg or gif in your downloads folder. (You don't need to be signed in to Google Drive). 

For Facebook

Share with a link to your fundraising page: 

Facebook shared link post


Sponsor Me image share with link on FB


Replace this image as your Facebook banner image in the run-up to 4 October.


For Instagram

Instagram - sponsor me

Download GIF

For Twitter


Download GIF

More tips

  • Don't forget to "Like" Glass Door on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram
  • Tag @glassdoorlondon when you post. We'd love to see what you get up to and "like" and/or repost your messages when we can.
  • Use #GDSO19 when sharing on Twitter and Instagram
  • Add a link in your bio to your fundraising page. Post a photo of you in a sleeping bag. Say thanks and tag friends who have sponsored you.